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How To Add Admins In 7 Days To Die

Looking to better manage your 7 Days To Die server by adding admins? This comprehensive guide will show you how to assign admin privileges to trusted players on your 7D2D server.

How To Add Admins In 7D2D

  1. Connect to your 7D2D server.

  2. Access the Game Host Bros Panel and select your 7D2D server.

  3. In the sidebar click on System > Console type listplayers and note the player ID= of the user you want to set as Admin.

  4. Enter this command:

    admin add ID 0 Name


    admin add 23 0 Pedrotski

    The number 0 is the permission level, and it gives the user access to all commands.

Now that you’re an Admin, you may want to check out our guide about Cheat Mode.

How To Remove Admins In 7D2D

  1. Access the Game Host Bros Panel and select your 7D2D server.
  2. In the server console, type admin list to list admins.
  3. Find the ID of the admin you want to remove and type admin remove ID.

7D2D Admin Permission Level Configuration

Permission levels in 7D2D are set in the serveradmin.xml file on your server. To apply a permission level to a certain command, first find the command you want to limit, and then follow these steps.

  1. Access the Game Host Bros Panel and select your 7D2D server.

  2. In File Manager, navigate to /.local/share/7DaysToDie/Saves/serveradmin.xml.

  3. Scroll down to <Commands>.

  4. Copy this and add it to a new line under <Commands>, replacing the command and setting a permission level of 0-1000.

    <permission cmd="gettime" permission_level="1000" />
    • A level of 1000 will give all users access to the command.
    • A user’s permission level must be equal to or below the commands permission level in order to have access to it.