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How To Use RCON On Soulmask

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up and manage your Soulmask server using RCON. This is a fairly new feature and is also sometimes referred to as TELNET in the Soulmask community.

Basic RCON Commands

Here is a list of all the RCON commands with basic details.

helpShows all the current RCON commands.
quit/close/shutdown secondsAfter the number of seconds specified by the parameter, save and exit the game world.
saveworldOnly save world archive without exiting.
backup new_database_nameBack up the world archive to a database file with the specified name.
backuphourBack up the world archive and name it with the current date and time (UTC), for example: YYYYmmddHH.db
dppExport the basic information of all accounts (account, role, union, level, total online time, creation time, etc.) to Saved/ALL_PLAYER_INFO.txt.
setpm flagSet the server login permission management switch (0 to turn off all permissions, 15 to turn on all permissions).
serverfpsDisplays the average frame rate of the server over a short period of time.
QueryInvitationCodeDisplays the server’s Invitation Code.
List_OnlinePlayersLists the account, name, and body ID of online players. Alias: lp
List_AllPlayersLists basic information for all players and database information. Alias: lap
List_SameBelongingObjsLists characters sharing the same ownership as the player. Alias: ls
List_GuildsLists registered guild information on the server. Alias: lg
List_GuildObjsLists all character information under a specified guild. Alias: lgo
List_AllNPCClassLists all character types and class names. Alias: lcc
Show_Coefficient_SettingsLists game coefficient items and their current values. Alias: lc
List_ServerPermissionListLists all server permission list information. Alias: lsp
Set_CoefficientSets game coefficients. Alias: sc
Set_ServerPermissionEnableSets the status of a server permission item. Alias: ssp
Set_ServerPermissionFlagSets the server permission flag, globally setting the server permission status. Alias: sspf
Update_ServerPermissionListSets the contents of the server permission list (add/remove). Alias: usp
Set_OutputChatsSets whether server chat content is output to the log. Alias: soc
GotoPostionTeleports a character to specified coordinates. Alias: go
GotoTargetTeleports a character near another character. Alias: gonpc
CreateSpecifiedManCreates a barbarian based on a template number, belonging to a specified player. Alias: cnpc
CreateSWByClassCreates a barbarian/animal character based on the class name. Alias: create
FlyModeEnables/disables flight mode (ghost mode) for a specified player. Alias: fly
Update_RconClientAddressAdds or removes IP addresses from the RCON whitelist. Alias: ura

Adding IPs to Whitelist

For security reasons, RCON uses an IP whitelist. Only whitelisted IP addresses can connect to the server’s RCON service. We also don’t allow access to this publicly unless requested via a support ticket

  1. Modify WS/Saved/Config/[Platform]Server/Engine.ini:

  2. Use RCON command (not saved after server restart):

    ura 1,yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy

Help Command

Type help in the terminal to display information about available commands.

  • DESC: Command description
  • Alia: Command alias
  • Example: Usage example

You can use the command number as a shortcut to execute commands.

Information Retrieval Commands

  1. List_OnlinePlayers (Alias: lp)

    • Lists online players’ account, name, and body ID
    • Format: | Steam Account | Player Name | Current Body ID |
  2. List_AllPlayers (Alias: lap)

    • Lists all players’ basic and database information
    • Format: | Steam Account | Player Name | Guild Name | Awareness Level | Total Online Time (seconds) | Account Creation Time (UTC) |
  3. List_SameBelongingObjs (Alias: ls)

    • Lists characters with the same ownership
    • Parameters: Steam account or Character/mount ID
    • Format: | Character Name | Character ID |
  4. List_Guilds (Alias: lg)

    • Lists registered guild information
    • Format: | Guild Name | Guild ID | Guild Leader Name |
  5. List_GuildObjs (Alias: lgo)

    • Lists all characters in a specified guild
    • Parameters: Guild Name or Guild ID
    • Format: | Character Name | Character ID |
  6. List_AllNPCClass (Alias: lcc)

    • Lists all character types and class names
    • Optional parameter to filter results
    • Format: | Default Character Name | Character Class Name |
  7. Show_Coefficient_Settings (Alias: lc)

    • Lists game coefficient items and their values
    • Optional parameter to filter results
    • Format: | Coefficient Name | Current Coefficient Value |
  8. List_ServerPermissionList (Alias: lsp)

    • Lists all server permission information

Setting Commands

  1. Set_Coefficient (Alias: sc)

    • Sets game coefficients
    • Parameters: Coefficient name, New value
  2. Set_ServerPermissionEnable (Alias: ssp)

    • Sets the status of a server permission item
    • Parameters: Permission number (0-4), Enable status (0 or 1)
  3. Set_ServerPermissionFlag (Alias: sspf)

    • Sets the server permission flag globally
    • Parameter: Integer (sum of flag values)
  4. Update_ServerPermissionList (Alias: usp)

    • Modifies server permission list (add/remove)
    • Parameters: Permission type, Add/remove flag, List of accounts/IPs
  5. Set_OutputChats (Alias: soc)

    • Enables/disables server chat output to log
    • Parameter: 0 (disable) or 1 (enable)

Other Commands

  1. GotoPostion (Alias: go)

    • Teleports a character to specified coordinates
    • Parameters: Character identifier, X, Y, Z coordinates
  2. GotoTarget (Alias: gonpc)

    • Teleports a character near another character
    • Parameters: Character to teleport, Target character
  3. CreateSpecifiedMan (Alias: cnpc)

    • Creates a barbarian based on a template
    • Parameters: Player’s Steam account, Template number, Gender (0/1)
  4. CreateSWByClass (Alias: create)

    • Creates a barbarian/animal character
    • Parameters: Player’s Steam account, Class name, Normal/Offspring, Level, Quantity, Quality
  5. FlyMode (Alias: fly)

    • Enables/disables flight mode for a player
    • Parameters: Player’s Steam account, Enable/Disable (1/0)
  6. Update_RconClientAddress (Alias: ura)

    • Adds/removes IP addresses from RCON whitelist
    • Parameters: Add/Remove (1/0), IP address