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How To Install Plugins On CS2

At Game Host Bros, you can get Metamod, CounterStrikeSharp and some plugins installed on your CS2 server with a single click.

Installing Metamod & CounterStrikeSharp

The first thing you need to do is to install Metamod Source and CounterStrikeSharp. You can install it by simply enabling modding in our Game Panel.

  1. Load the Game Host Bros Panel and select your CS2 server.
  2. In the left-hand menu, click Configuration > Startup Parameters and toggle on the setting Enable Modding.
  3. Restart the server.

Everything you require to install mods and plugins on your CS2 server is now configured and ready to use. Everything will be automatically updated once your server restarts.

If you disable this setting, your /game/csgo/addons folder will be renamed to disable any plugins from loading. If you re-enable modding it will install a fresh version of CS# and Metamod without affecting the plugins or configs you previously installed in the renamed addons folder. This is good for testing if a plugin has broken your server. You will need to manually restore your plugins by renaming the addons folder if you do this, or simply contact a bro.

Installing Plugins

We have some CounterStrikeSharp plugins already added to our 1-click Mod Manager.

  1. Load the Game Host Bros Panel and select your CS2 server.
  2. In the left-hand menu, click Tools > Mod Manager.
  3. Look for the plugin you want to install.
  4. Click the Install button then restart the server.

You can check if the plugin is loaded by typing css_plugins list into the console. If you manually need to install a plugin, the most common folder you need to upload them to is /game/csgo/addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins.

CS2 Plugins List

Here is a list of all the current Counter-Strike 2 plugins you can manually install on your server.

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Plugin NameTagsDescription
LanguageManagerPluginAdministrationChanges the players language based on their location.
cs2-VIPCoreAdministrationVIP API for other VIP plugins.
cs2-simple-discord-reportAdministrationSend player !report directly to Discord.
CS2_AntiVPNAdministrationBlock players from specific countries or VPN users.
NameChecker-cs2AdministrationChecks the names of the players when connecting.
CS2-RecordAbuseAdministrationAllows admins to record demos with a command.
ZombieSharpGameplayZombie Escape Gamemode plugin for Counter-Strike 2.
cs2-css-flashlightGameplayAdds a flashlight to the server.
NightVipAdministrationGives player basic VIP privileges, but for a certain period of time.  
cs2-hideadminAdministrationHide admins from the player list.
cs2-ctbanGameplayCan ban player from connecting to CTs.
Cs2TelegramAdministrationManage your CS2 server using a telegram bot.
cs2-simple-guns-menuGameplayAdd a chat gun menu to your server.
CS2-DeleteLogsAdministrationAutomatically delete logs from your server.
CS2-ShowDamageFunDisplays information about inflicted damage on the screen.
cs2_teleportprotectionGameplayProtect players for X seconds when they touch trigger_teleport.
cs2-mapchooserAdministrationThis plugin handles basic map voting features like nominate, rtv, extend and end of map voting.
CS2-Check-CheatsAdministrationAssist administrators in checking suspicious players for the use of cheats.
cs2-deathrun-managerGameplayDeathrun Manager for CounterStrikeSharp Framework CS2.
cs2-AdminchatAdministationAllow admins to chat with each other.
SuperheroPluginFunCSS based superhero plugin.
SLAYER_NoscopeGameplayThis plugin disables scope of weapons like AWP, scout, etc.
DiscordStatusFunMonitor your server by sending cute embeds to Discord.
CS2-WarnSystemAdministrationIssue warnings to players who violate the rules
cs2_IPBlockerAdministrationBlocks messages that contains an IP.
CS2-SimpleAdminAdministrationManage your Counter-Strike 2 server by simple commands.
WelcomeFunSend a welcome message when the player joins the server.
CS2-AntiTeamFlashGameplaySimple anti team flash plugin.
cs2-countdownFunA simple countdown for admins.
flashbattlesFunMakes you swap with the flasher if you get flashed.
IgnoreMessagesAdministrationThis plugin can remove the messages from the chat like an auto moderator.
cs2-BlockerPassesGameplayBlocks passages if there are not a certain number of players on the server.
CS2-SteamGroupRestrictAdministrationRestrict commands for players who are not in your Steam group.
cm-cs2-colorsayFunAdds color to your chat messages.
cs2-specialroundsFunRandomly generates special rounds.
CSS-CreateCustomCommandsAdministrationCreate custom responses for messages such as !discord or !help.
cm-cs2-defaultskinsGameplayEnforce default skins on players.
EconomyFunPlugin for creating economic relations between players on cs2 servers.
ResourcePrecacherAdministrationPrecache any Resource in CS2.
cs2_chat2vkAdministrationSend chat messages to VK.
CSS-Regenerate-HealthFun!medic, !heal or !regen to regenerate your health to full.
MedicFunAllows you to refill your health.
CS2-ChatManagerAdministrationAllows managing CS2 chat messages.
cs2-spawntoolsGameplayDynamically create spawns per map.
deleteBuyZonesAdministrationDelete all buyzones for a map.
Force-AllTalkAdministrationA very simple plugin that enables every ‘talk’ related convar.
WeaponPurchaseCommandGameplayBuy weapons using commands.
CS2_BombsitesRestrictGameplayRestricts the random bombsite of each round.
CS2-ParachuteFunParachute when you press E in the air.
PugPlugin-CSSharpModesCS2 PugPlugin for setting up 10man servers.
CS2_DiscordRelayEnhancedAdministrationThis plugin sends chat messages from players to your Discord channel.
VoteBKMAdministrationPlugin for blocking players by voting.
Weapon-SpawnerGameplayGives players weapons from a chat command.
CS2-VipManagerAdministrationPlugin for CS2 that stores admins in mysql and apply permissions on the game.
cs2_SetbothpGameplayJust set your HP value for bots.
ScoutsNKnivesModesClassic ScoutsNKnives with a bit of customization.
CS2-TagsFunAdds tags before player names in chat and the scoreboard.
CS2-RanksPointsStatsRanksPoints system is based on a simple principle: players perform various actions in the game, resulting in either gaining or losing experience points.
cs2-vipAdministrationA VIP system for CS2.
CS2-CallAdminAdministrationPlugin for CS2 that reports a player on game and send a webhook message to discord.
css-C4-TimerFunThis plugin adds countdown to c4 bomb explosion to your server.
cs2-ranksStatsAn in depth ranking system for CS2. Simmilar to Levels Ranks for CSGO.
CS2-BotSlayGameplaySlay all bots when the last player dies.
cs2-rockthevoteAdministrationPlayers can !rtv using the stock CS2 map chooser.
css-basic-adminAdministrationA basic admin plugin for CSSharp.
CS2-PlayersBetFunAllows players to bet on the next winning team.
SharpTimerModesA timer for Surf, Bhop, KZ and MG maps.
cs2_ShowPlayersInfoAdministrationShow info about players in game chat(UserID, Name, SteamID64)
CS2_SteamRestrictAdministrationEnforce minimum CS2 playtime and Steam level requirements, and customize restrictions for Prime and non-Prime players.
CS2-Kill-PluginFunAllows players to suicide via chat by entering “!suicide” or “/suicide”
cs2-SimpleResetScoreStatsThis plugin resets your score with command !rs
cs2_blockradiocommandsAdministrationA CSSharp plugin to block all radio commands.
CS2-AutoUpdaterAdministrationAutomatically checks for a server update and restarts your server while notifying players in game.
CS2-Practice-PluginModesOpen Source Plugin for Counterstrike 2 based on CounterStrikeSharp
Discord-cs2-ReportSystemAdministrationAllows players to send reports (complaints) about other players straight to a Discord channel.
CS2_DiscordRelayAdministrationThis plugin sends chat messages from players to your Discord channel.
CS2 Simple RanksStatsAllows you to create an unlimited number of ranks with customizable experience thresholds and rank colors.
MatchZyModesFor running and managing practice/pugs/scrims/matches with easy configuration!
CS2 Damage InfoGameplayDisplays the amount of damage players have inflicted on the victim’s HP and Armor, as well as the hit groups they have hit.
CS2_PlaytimeTrackerStatsThis plugin allows the players to check their playtime, team-specific playtime, and death or alive playtime.
CS2 Connection LogsAdministrationThis plugin adds players to a database to track when they join with their IP. It prints to discord through a webhook when a player join (with their IP) and leaves.
cs2-LiteVIPAdministrationPlugin for CS2 with basic VIP functions.
Get SteamIDAdministrationA simple plugin that adds display of all types of Steam IDs to chat.
AFKManagerGameplayA simple AFK Manager plugin for CS2.
Lite MapChooserAdministrationThe most lightweight and functional plugin for changing maps, rtv and nominations
Auto Map ChangerAdministrationAutomatically changes the map when not active to the one specified in the config.
ColoredSmokeTeamFunAllows you to change the color of smoke grenades.
ResetScoreStatsReset statistics (kills, deaths, assists, head-killers, damage). The same as !rs on CSGO.
Connect InfoAdministrationDisplays a message to everyone in the chat when a player connects (with information about the city and country) and disconnects.
RandomStartMapAdministrationSets a random map when the server is started.
PugSharpModesPugSharp is a PUG System Plugin for CS2 based on the awesome CounterStrikeSharp.
AutoClearMapsAdministrationAutomatically deletes the default maps to save disk space.
cs2-advertisementAdministrationA plugin for cs2 that allows you to show ads in chat/center/panel
CS2_SpeedometerGameplayJust a speedometer for CS2
CS2RetakeModesImplementation of a Retake plugin for CS2 using CounterStrikeSharp
Weapon-RestrictGameplayAllows CS2 server owners to block/whitelist players from a country based on IP
CS2 Mini AdminAdministrationAdds basic administrator functions
CS2 Instant DefuseGameplayThis plugin allows the bomb to be instantly defused
CS2 RconAdministrationEnables RCON inside CS2
MapConfiguratorAdministrationEasily create unique configuration files on a per-map basis.
NoBlockGameplayPlayers will then be allowed to walk through each other without being stopped due to collision settings, regardless of their team affiliation.
MetaCommandsBlockerAdministrationBlock your server’s Metamod, plugins and modules version from players.
CS2_WhitelistAdministrationRestricts access to the server for Steam IDs listed in the whitelist.
DeathmatchPluginModesDeathmatch plugin, with player configurable loadouts, killstreaks, and a (mid) buy menu integration.
K4-SystemStatsPlaytime tracker, statistical records, and player ranks. Additionally, it includes VIP functions and admin commands for added functionality.
DisableWeaponsGameplayAdd the weapons you want to be completely restricted from the game.
cs2_Advertisements_DatabaseAdministrationAdvertisements plugin with database for multiple server
CS2 JailbreakModesJailbreak plugin for CS2
cs2-vipgunsAdministrationAllow players with VIP to buy specific guns
cs2-showdamageGameplaySimple show damage plugin for CS2
CS2-AutoBalancePluginGameplayAuto Balance Plugin for CS2 using CounterStrikeSharp
cs2-chatspyAdministrationCatches the enemy team’s message and sends them to the administrators
CS2 TeleportGameplayAdvanced teleport command plugin
cs2-killfeed-filterGameplayShow players only their own killfeed. Perfect for deathmatch servers.
SimpleAdminAdministrationThis is a very basic ban/unban/kick plugin for CounterStrikeSharp that uses SQLite.
GoSpecGameplayAllows players to type !spec in chat
NoKnifeDamageGameplayStops players from taking knife damage. Perfect for AWP servers.
WorkshopDefaultMapAdministrationAllows you to choose your own CS2 start workshop map.
TeamBetsFunPlace a bet on what team you think is going to win.
Weapon-RestrictGameplayRestrict the user of certain weapons
Simple Spawn ProtectionGameplayGrants spawn protection to players
No Zoom RoundsFunAllows players to vote for no zoom rounds.
BOTikiGameplayAdd or remove bots depending on the number of players
Admin ListAdministrationSimple admin list plugin
CS2 Hide Lower Body PluginGameplayHide player’s lower body by using the command !legs

Setting a custom Metamod & CounterStrikeSharp version. (Advance Settings)

By default, when you’ve turned on Enable Modding, we will keep Metamod and CounterStrikeSharp up to date with the latest version when your server starts. However there are times where you might need to run an older version for compatibility reasons.

Here are the settings you need to change under Configuration > Startup Parameters if you want to run a specific version.

  • CounterStrikeSharp Version can be set the release version such as v258. You can view all the version numbers here
  • Metamod Version can be set using the build number such as 1293. You can view all the version numbers here