How To Use The Spawn Entity Menu On Your 7 Days To Die Server
After Becoming An Admin on your 7 Days To Die server if you’d like to spawn in some mobs to mess around you’re in luck, this guide will show you how to enable the Spawn Entity menu in 7D2D.
Enabling The Spawn Entity Menu In 7D2D
The Spawn Entity menu requires the Debug Menu to be enabled, here’s how to enable both as an Admin on your server.
- On your keyboard, press
and enterdebugmenu
. - Press
to open the Spawn Entity menu.
Entities can also be spawned by using console commands. Using console does not require the Debug Menu to be enabled, to use the console method you will need to type listplayers
, note your player ID number, and then type this.
se ID entity-id amount
se 171 1 3
This command will spawn three of the zombieArlene entities at playerid 171.
All of the 7D2D Entity-ID’s can be found below. They can also be found by typing se
to list all entities in console.
All 7D2D Entity-ID’s
ID | Entity |
1 | zombieArlene |
2 | zombieArleneFeral |
3 | zombieArleneRadiated |
4 | zombieMarlene |
5 | zombieMarleneFeral |
6 | zombieMarleneRadiated |
7 | zombiePartyGirl |
8 | zombiePartyGirlFeral |
9 | zombiePartyGirlRadiated |
10 | zombieNurse |
11 | zombieNurseFeral |
12 | zombieNurseRadiated |
13 | zombieJoe |
14 | zombieJoeFeral |
15 | zombieJoeRadiated |
16 | zombieSteve |
17 | zombieSteveFeral |
18 | zombieSteveRadiated |
19 | zombieTomClark |
20 | zombieTomClarkFeral |
21 | zombieTomClarkRadiated |
22 | zombieBusinessMan |
23 | zombieBusinessManFeral |
24 | zombieBusinessManRadiated |
25 | zombieBurnt |
26 | zombieBurntFeral |
27 | zombieBurntRadiated |
28 | zombieSpider |
29 | zombieSpiderFeral |
30 | zombieSpiderRadiated |
31 | zombieBoe |
32 | zombieBoeFeral |
33 | zombieBoeRadiated |
34 | zombieMaleHazmat |
35 | zombieMaleHazmatFeral |
36 | zombieMaleHazmatRadiated |
37 | zombieJanitor |
38 | zombieJanitorFeral |
39 | zombieJanitorRadiated |
40 | zombieInmate |
41 | zombieInmateFeral |
42 | zombieInmateRadiated |
43 | zombieMoe |
44 | zombieMoeFeral |
45 | zombieMoeRadiated |
46 | zombieLab |
47 | zombieLabFeral |
48 | zombieLabRadiated |
49 | zombieDarlene |
50 | zombieDarleneFeral |
51 | zombieDarleneRadiated |
52 | zombieYo |
53 | zombieYoFeral |
54 | zombieYoRadiated |
55 | zombieUtilityWorker |
56 | zombieUtilityWorkerFeral |
57 | zombieUtilityWorkerRadiated |
58 | zombieBiker |
59 | zombieBikerFeral |
60 | zombieBikerRadiated |
61 | zombieLumberjack |
62 | zombieLumberjackFeral |
63 | zombieLumberjackRadiated |
64 | zombieFemaleFat |
65 | zombieFemaleFatFeral |
66 | zombieFemaleFatRadiated |
67 | zombieFatHawaiian |
68 | zombieFatHawaiianFeral |
69 | zombieFatHawaiianRadiated |
70 | zombieBowler |
71 | zombieBowlerFeral |
72 | zombieBowlerRadiated |
73 | zombieFatCop |
74 | zombieFatCopFeral |
75 | zombieFatCopRadiated |
76 | zombieSkateboarder |
77 | zombieSkateboarderFeral |
78 | zombieSkateboarderRadiated |
79 | zombieSoldier |
80 | zombieSoldierFeral |
81 | zombieSoldierRadiated |
82 | zombieWightFeral |
83 | zombieWightRadiated |
84 | zombieScreamer |
85 | zombieScreamerFeral |
86 | zombieScreamerRadiated |
87 | zombieMutated |
88 | zombieMutatedFeral |
89 | zombieMutatedRadiated |
90 | zombieDemolition |
91 | zombieSteveCrawler |
92 | zombieSteveCrawlerFeral |
93 | animalStag |
94 | animalDoe |
95 | animalRabbit |
96 | animalChicken |
97 | animalBear |
98 | animalBearSmall |
99 | animalZombieBear |
100 | animalWolf |
101 | animalDireWolf |
102 | animalChickenHostile |
103 | animalCoyote |
104 | animalMountainLion |
105 | animalZombieVulture |
106 | animalZombieVultureRadiated |
107 | animalZombieDog |
108 | animalSnake |
109 | animalBoar |
110 | animalBossGrace |
111 | vehicleBicycle |
112 | vehicleMinibike |
113 | vehicleMotorcycle |
114 | vehicleTruck4x4 |
115 | vehicleGyrocopter |
116 | sc_General |
117 | EntityLootContainerRegular |
118 | EntityLootContainerStrong |
119 | EntityLootContainerBoss |
120 | DroppedLootContainerTwitch |
121 | junkTurretSledge |
122 | junkTurretGun |
123 | entityJunkDrone |
124 | npcTraderJoel |
125 | npcTraderRekt |
126 | npcTraderBob |
127 | npcTraderHugh |
128 | npcTraderJen |
129 | TwitchAction_SupplyWeapon1 |
130 | TwitchAction_SupplyWeapon2 |
131 | TwitchAction_SupplyWeapon3 |
132 | TwitchAction_SupplyWeapon4 |
133 | TwitchAction_SupplyTool1 |
134 | TwitchAction_SupplyTool2 |
135 | TwitchAction_SupplyTool3 |
136 | TwitchAction_SupplyMedicine1 |
137 | TwitchAction_SupplyMedicine2 |
138 | TwitchAction_SupplyMedicine3 |
139 | TwitchAction_SupplyResource1 |
140 | TwitchAction_SupplyResource2 |
141 | TwitchAction_SupplyResource3 |
142 | TwitchAction_SupplyResource4 |
143 | TwitchAction_SupplyBuilder1 |
144 | TwitchAction_SupplyBuilder2 |
145 | TwitchAction_SupplyBuilder3 |
146 | TwitchAction_SupplyFarming1 |
147 | TwitchAction_SupplyFarming2 |
148 | TwitchAction_SupplyAmmo1 |
149 | TwitchAction_SupplyAmmo2 |
150 | TwitchAction_SupplyAmmo3 |
151 | TwitchAction_SupplyAmmo4 |
152 | TwitchAction_SupplySpecialAmmo1 |
153 | TwitchAction_SupplySpecialAmmo2 |
154 | TwitchAction_SupplyBooks1 |
155 | TwitchAction_SupplyBooks2 |
156 | TwitchAction_SupplyBooks3 |
157 | TwitchAction_SupplyUtility1 |
158 | TwitchAction_SupplyUtility2 |
159 | TwitchAction_SupplyCandy |
160 | TwitchAction_SupplyTreasure |
161 | TwitchAction_SupplyArmor1 |
162 | TwitchAction_SupplyArmor2 |
163 | TwitchAction_SupplyArmor3 |
164 | TwitchAction_SupplyFoodWater1 |
165 | TwitchAction_SupplyFoodWater2 |
166 | TwitchAction_SupplyFoodWater3 |
167 | TwitchAction_SupplyFoodWater4 |
168 | TwitchAction_SupplyBicycle |
169 | TwitchAction_SupplyMinibike |
170 | TwitchAction_SupplyMotorcycle |
171 | TwitchAction_Supply4x4 |
172 | TwitchAction_SupplyGyro |
173 | TwitchAction_SupplyExplosives1 |
174 | TwitchAction_SupplyExplosives2 |
175 | TwitchAction_SupplyExplosives3 |
176 | TwitchAction_SupplyExplosives4 |
177 | TwitchAction_SupplyRobo1 |
178 | TwitchAction_SupplyRobo2 |
179 | TwitchAction_SupplyRobo3 |
180 | TwitchAction_SupplyRobo4 |
181 | TwitchAction_SupplyMods1 |
182 | TwitchAction_SupplyMods2 |
183 | TwitchAction_SupplyMods3 |
184 | TwitchAction_SupplyElectrical1 |
185 | TwitchAction_SupplyElectrical2 |
186 | TwitchAction_VoteRewardT1 |
187 | TwitchAction_VoteRewardT2 |
188 | TwitchAction_VoteRewardT3 |
189 | TwitchAction_VoteRewardT4 |
190 | TwitchAction_HomeRunRewardT1 |
191 | TwitchAction_HomeRunRewardT2 |
192 | TwitchAction_HomeRunRewardT3 |
193 | TwitchAction_HomeRunRewardT4 |
194 | TwitchAction_HomeRunRewardT5 |
If you get stuck at any time, you can reach out to us on Discord.