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How To Add Admins To Your Necesse Server

Becoming An Admin

Many server settings can be changed by settings via console, such as Difficulty, Invincibility, Give and much more. The process to become an Admin is short and simple, here are the steps.

  1. Connect to your server
  2. While on your server log into the Game Host Bros Panel.
  3. Go to System > Console.
  4. Type Permissions set YourName Owner.

This guide uses Owner as an example as it has more permissions, the other possible roles are User, Moderator, Admin, Owner and finally Server, to use in-game commands follow the steps below.

Using Commands

The input process will be the same for all commands, finding and executing commands is done like this.

  1. Connect to your server.
  2. Open chat with Enter and input your command of choice, for example, /pm player sends a private message to the specified user.

Command List

/allowcheatsOwnerEnables cheats on this world (AND LOCKS YOUR CHARACTER TO CHEAT ENABLED WORLDS NOT REVERSIBLE!)Yes
/ban [authentication/name]AdminBans a player
/bansAdminLists all current bans
/buff [player] [buff] [seconds]AdminGives buff to playerYes
/clearall [global]AdminClears all entitiesYes
/clearmobs [global] [type]AdminClears mobs on the specified level.Yes
/clearevents [global] [type]AdminClears events on the specified level.Yes
/changename [player] [name]AdminChanges the name of a player
/clearbuff [player] [buff]AdminClears buff from playerYes
/copyitem [slot]AdminCopies an item and all of its dataYes
/copyplayer [from] [to]AdminCopy a player’s inventory, position and health.Yes
/createteamUserCreates a new team for yourself
/deathpenalty [list/penalty]AdminChanges death penalty setting
/demo [player] [setup] [forceNew] [builds]AdminSetup up a world and/or build for playerYes
/difficulty [list/difficulty]AdminChanges difficulty setting
/enchant [clear/set/random] [slot] [enchantID]AdminGives a random enchant (put item in -1 slot)Yes
/give [player] [item] [amount]AdminGives item to playerYes
/healmobs [health] [range] [filter]AdminHeals mobs around youYes
/itemgnd [slot] [set/get/clear] [key] [value]OwnerGets or sets item GND dataYes
/jobsearchrange [range]OwnerSets the job search tile range of settlers
/kick [player] [message/reason]ModeratorKicks player from the server
/leaveteamUserLeaves your current team
/maxhp [player] [health]AdminSets the max health of playerYes
/me [action]UserDeclare an action to the entire server
/motd [clear/get/message]AdminSets the message of the day. Use \n for new line
/mow [range] [chance]AdminMows ground of grassYes
/pausewhenempty [0/1]AdminEnable/disable pause when empty setting
/playersModeratorLists players currently online
/print [message]AdminPrints a message in the chat
/regen [islandX] [islandY] [dimension] [biome] [seeded]OwnerRegenerates the entire levelYes
/reveal [player]AdminReveals entire clients current levelYes
/saveModeratorSaves all data
/settings [list/setting] [arg]AdminChange server world settings
/sharemap [from] [to]AdminShares your map discoveries with another playerYes
/stop, /exit or /quitOwnerSaves and stops the server
/time [set/add] [amount]AdminSets world timeYes
/tp [player1] [player2/home/death/spawn]AdminTeleports player1 to player2 or other locationYes
/unban [authentication/name]AdminRemoves a ban
/w, /whisper or /pm [player] [message]UserWhisper a message to another player
/rain [islandX] [islandY] [dimension] [start/clear]AdminSets the rain on the levelYes
/settings [list/setting] [arg]AdminChange server world settings
/clearteam [player]AdminRemoves the player from his current team
/setdimension [player] [dimension]AdminChanges the dimension of playerYes
/setisland [player] [islandX] [islandY] [dimension]AdminChanges the island of the playerYes
/setteam [player] [team]AdminSets the team of the player.
/setteamowner [team] [player]AdminSets the owner of the team.
/tp [player1] [player2/home/death/spawn]AdminTeleports player1 to player2 or other locationYes