How To Add Admins To Your Necesse Server
Becoming An Admin
Many server settings can be changed by settings via console, such as Difficulty
, Invincibility
, Give
and much more. The process to become an Admin is short and simple, here are the steps.
- Connect to your server
- While on your server log into the Game Host Bros Panel.
- Go to
System > Console
. - Type
Permissions set YourName Owner
This guide uses Owner as an example as it has more permissions, the other possible roles are User
, Moderator
, Admin
, Owner
and finally Server
, to use in-game commands follow the steps below.
Using Commands
The input process will be the same for all commands, finding and executing commands is done like this.
- Connect to your server.
- Open chat with
and input your command of choice, for example,/pm player
sends a private message to the specified user.
Command List
Command | Permissions | Description | Cheats |
/allowcheats | Owner | Enables cheats on this world (AND LOCKS YOUR CHARACTER TO CHEAT ENABLED WORLDS NOT REVERSIBLE!) | Yes |
/ban [authentication/name] | Admin | Bans a player | |
/bans | Admin | Lists all current bans | |
/buff [player] [buff] [seconds] | Admin | Gives buff to player | Yes |
/clearall [global] | Admin | Clears all entities | Yes |
/clearmobs [global] [type] | Admin | Clears mobs on the specified level. | Yes |
/clearevents [global] [type] | Admin | Clears events on the specified level. | Yes |
/changename [player] [name] | Admin | Changes the name of a player | |
/clearbuff [player] [buff] | Admin | Clears buff from player | Yes |
/copyitem [slot] | Admin | Copies an item and all of its data | Yes |
/copyplayer [from] [to] | Admin | Copy a player’s inventory, position and health. | Yes |
/createteam | User | Creates a new team for yourself | |
/deathpenalty [list/penalty] | Admin | Changes death penalty setting | |
/demo [player] [setup] [forceNew] [builds] | Admin | Setup up a world and/or build for player | Yes |
/difficulty [list/difficulty] | Admin | Changes difficulty setting | |
/enchant [clear/set/random] [slot] [enchantID] | Admin | Gives a random enchant (put item in -1 slot) | Yes |
/give [player] [item] [amount] | Admin | Gives item to player | Yes |
/healmobs [health] [range] [filter] | Admin | Heals mobs around you | Yes |
/itemgnd [slot] [set/get/clear] [key] [value] | Owner | Gets or sets item GND data | Yes |
/jobsearchrange [range] | Owner | Sets the job search tile range of settlers | |
/kick [player] [message/reason] | Moderator | Kicks player from the server | |
/leaveteam | User | Leaves your current team | |
/maxhp [player] [health] | Admin | Sets the max health of player | Yes |
/me [action] | User | Declare an action to the entire server | |
/motd [clear/get/message] | Admin | Sets the message of the day. Use \n for new line | |
/mow [range] [chance] | Admin | Mows ground of grass | Yes |
/pausewhenempty [0/1] | Admin | Enable/disable pause when empty setting | |
/players | Moderator | Lists players currently online | |
/print [message] | Admin | Prints a message in the chat | |
/regen [islandX] [islandY] [dimension] [biome] [seeded] | Owner | Regenerates the entire level | Yes |
/reveal [player] | Admin | Reveals entire clients current level | Yes |
/save | Moderator | Saves all data | |
/settings [list/setting] [arg] | Admin | Change server world settings | |
/sharemap [from] [to] | Admin | Shares your map discoveries with another player | Yes |
/stop, /exit or /quit | Owner | Saves and stops the server | |
/time [set/add] [amount] | Admin | Sets world time | Yes |
/tp [player1] [player2/home/death/spawn] | Admin | Teleports player1 to player2 or other location | Yes |
/unban [authentication/name] | Admin | Removes a ban | |
/w, /whisper or /pm [player] [message] | User | Whisper a message to another player | |
/rain [islandX] [islandY] [dimension] [start/clear] | Admin | Sets the rain on the level | Yes |
/settings [list/setting] [arg] | Admin | Change server world settings | |
/clearteam [player] | Admin | Removes the player from his current team | |
/setdimension [player] [dimension] | Admin | Changes the dimension of player | Yes |
/setisland [player] [islandX] [islandY] [dimension] | Admin | Changes the island of the player | Yes |
/setteam [player] [team] | Admin | Sets the team of the player. | |
/setteamowner [team] [player] | Admin | Sets the owner of the team. | |
/tp [player1] [player2/home/death/spawn] | Admin | Teleports player1 to player2 or other location | Yes |