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How To Optimize Your Palworld Server FPS

Here’s how to boost server FPS and optimize your Palworld Server. This guide highlights best practices you can adopt as a server owner to ensure your Palworld server runs at peak performance often resulting in a noticeable improvement in most cases.

Daily Restarts

The first thing you’ll want to do is create an automatic daily restart schedule, this serves to keep your resource usage under control while ensuring your server has a fresh load once every 24 hours.

To create a schedule follow this guide.

Optimize Configuration

There are multiple Palworld server settings that will negatively impact performance, some may only a little, while others have very noticable effects.

If you’re having any Server FPS issues adjust these settings accordingly, these will be the most important settings for performance especially if you’re running a community server.

These settings are changed in Configuration > Startup Parameters of the Game Host Bros Panel.

Main Settings

Setting NameDefault ValueDescription
BuildObjectDeteriorationDamageRate1.0Higher is better for performance, this should always be at least 0.1
bAutoResetGuildNoOnlinePlayersFalseSet to True - Enables guild disbanding after the duration specified by AutoResetGuildTimeNoOnlinePlayers, this will DELETE bases if a guild goes inactive, the default grace period is 72.0 hours.
AutoResetGuildTimeNoOnlinePlayers72.0If bAutoResetGuildNoOnlinePlayers is enabled, this the time limit before a guild will be disbanded
PalSpawnNumRate1.0Decrease this to spawn less Pals
DropItemMaxNum3000Decrease this especially if you have increased Drop Rates
DropItemAliveMaxHours1.0Decrease this especially if you have increased Drop Rates or many players
BaseCampMaxNumInGuild4Decrease this if there are many guilds
ServerReplicatePawnCullDistance15000.0Decrease this for much better performance, officially “Pal Sync Distance”
BaseCampWorkerMaxNum15Decrease this to lessen load
MaxBuildingLimitNum0 (Unlimited)Set a value to limit max buildings per player
bEnableInvaderEnemyTrueSet to False.

Secondary Performance Settings

Setting NameDefault ValueDescription
BaseCampMaxNum128Decrease this if you’re running a popular public server with a lot of bases
Auto Save Span240 (4 minutes)Increase this for less frequent auto save CPU spikes