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7 Days To Die Console Commands List

Below is a table of every 7D2D command, with descriptions and titles directly from the game, they can also be found by typing help into console.

Generic Console Help

help <command>Get help on a specific topic or command.

List of Commands

adminManage user permission levels.
AdminSpeed / asAdminSpeed.
agemapOutput debug map for chunk age/protection/save status.
aiAI commands.
aiddebugToggles AIDirector debug output.
audioWatch audio stats.
automovePlayer auto movement.
banManage ban entries.
bentsSwitches block entities on/off.
buffApplies a buff to the local player.
buffplayerApply a buff to a player.
camera / camLock/unlock camera movement or load/save a specific camera position.
chunkcache / ccShows all loaded chunks in cache.
chunkobserver / coPlace a chunk observer on a given position.
chunkreset / crResets the specified chunks.
commandpermission / cpManage command permission levels.
createwebuserCreate a web dashboard user account.
creativemenu / cmEnables/disables the creative menu.
damageresetReset damage on all blocks in the currently loaded POI.
debuffRemoves a buff from the local player.
debuffplayerRemove a buff from a player.
debuggamestatsGameStats commands.
debugmenu / dmEnables/disables the debug menu.
debugpanelsAllows usage of debug display panels (F3 menu) via command console.
debugshot / dbsCreates a screenshot with some debug information.
debugweatherDumps internal weather state to the console.
decomgrSaves a debug texture visualizing the DecoOccupiedMap.
Dynamic mesh zzDynamic mesh.
enablerenderingDisable live map rendering.
exceptionThrow an exception or log messages.
exhaustedMakes the player exhausted.
expiryinfoPrints location and expiry day/time for the next chunks set to expire.
exportcurrentconfigsExports the current game config XMLs.
floatingorigin / foFloating origin commands.
ForceEventDateSpecify date for testing event dates.
fovCamera field of view.
gamestageShows the gamestage of the local player.
getgamepref / ggGets game preferences.
getgamestat / ggsGets game stats.
getlogpath / glpGet the path of the logfile the game currently writes to.
getoptionsGets game options.
gettime / gtGet the current game time.
gfxGraphics commands.
giveGive an item to a player (entity id or name).
givequestUsage: givequest questname.
giveselfUsage: giveself itemName [qualityLevel=6] [count=1] [putInInventory=false] [spawnWithMods=true].
giveselfxpUsage: giveselfxp 10000.
givexpGive XP to a player.
graphDraws graphs on screen.
helpHelp on console and specific commands.
invalidatecachesInvalidate contents of web file caches.
jdsServer drone commands.
junkDrone / jdLocal player junk drone queries.
kickKicks user with optional reason.
kickallKicks all users with optional reason.
killKill a given entity.
killallKill all entities.
listgameobjects / lgoList all active game objects.
lightsLight debugging.
listents / leLists all entities.
listitems / liLists all items that contain the given substring.
listplayerids / lpiLists all players with their IDs for in-game commands.
listplayers / lpLists all players.
listthreads / ltLists all threads.
loggamestate / lgsLog the current state of the game.
loglevelTelnet/Web only: Select which types of log messages are shown.
lootLoot commands.
mapdataWrites some map data to an image.
memPrints memory information and unloads resources or changes garbage collector.
memclPrints memory information on client and calls garbage collector.
memprofile / mprofToggles screen Memory Profiler UI.
mumblepositionalaudio / mpaMumble Positional Audio related tools.
naTest new HD stuff.
networkclient / netcClient side network commands.
networkserver / netsServer side network commands.
newweathersurvivalEnables/disables new weather survival.
occlusionControl OcclusionManager.
openiddebugEnable/disable OpenID debugging.
overridemaxplayercountOverride Max Server Player Count.
permissionsallowed / paApply a mask to permissions for testing purposes.
playervisitmap / pvmTeleports the player through a rectangular area with optional memory logging.
poisSwitches distant POIs on/off.
poiwaypoints / pwpAdds waypoints for specified POIs.
prefabeditor / prefabedit preditOpen the Prefab Editor.
regionreset / rrResets chunks within a target region, or for the entire map.
rendermapRender the current map to a file.
repairchunkdensity / rcdCheck and optionally fix densities of a chunk.
reply / reSend a message to the player who last sent you a PM.
resetallstatsResets all achievement stats (and achievements when parameter is true).
saveworld / saSaves the world manually.
saySends a message to all connected clients.
sayplayer / pmSend a message to a single player.
setgamepref / sgSets a game preference.
setgamestat / sgsSets a game stat.
settargetfpsSet the target FPS the game should run at (upper limit).
settime / stSet the current game time.
shutdownShuts down the game.
spawnentity / seSpawns an entity.
spectatormode / smEnables/disables spectator mode.
versionGet the currently running version of the game and loaded mods.
weatherControl weather settings.
whitelistManage whitelist entries.
xuiExecute XUi operations.

List of Help Topics

outputPrints commands to log file.
outputdetailedPrints commands with details to log file.
searchSearch for all commands matching a string.
*Search for all commands matching a string.