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How To Upload An Existing Save To Your 7 Days To Die Server

Want to pick up where you left off on your 7 Days To Die server? This comprehensive guide will walk you through each step so you can continue playing with your existing save. Remember, at Game Host Bros we offer free world migrations, if you need some help then please reach out to a bro.

Locating Existing World And Save Data

If you’d like to continue playing an existing world, whether it be a downloaded custom world or RWG, the steps to do it will stay the same, here’s how you can find and upload a map and save to your 7D2D server.

  1. Press Windows Key + R.
  2. Enter this
  3. Find your world in GeneratedWorlds and save data in Saves.

Your World file and Save data location should look something like this.

  • DirectoryAppdata
    • DirectoryRoaming
      • Directory7DaysToDie
        • DirectoryGeneratedWorlds
          • DirectoryWorldName/
        • DirectorySaves
          • DirectoryWorldName
            • DirectorySaveName/

Uploading Existing World And Save Data

Now that you’ve located your existing World and Save files, the following steps will guide you on how to upload and use them on your 7D2D server.

  1. Access the Game Host Bros Panel and Stop your server.
  2. Using SFTP navigate to .local/share/7DaysToDie/GeneratedWorlds/ and upload your World. Following the example below.
  3. For Save data. Again, using SFTP upload your Save to .local/share/7DaysToDie/Saves/.

Once uploaded, your server files should now look like this.

  • Directory.local
    • Directoryshare
      • Directory7DaysToDie
        • DirectoryGeneratedWorlds
          • DirectoryWorldName/
      • DirectorySaves
        • DirectoryWorldName
          • DirectorySaveName/

Enabling Uploaded World

Once the data has been uploaded, to allow your server to run it you’ll have to set it to use those uploaded files, specifically GameWorld for the map itself, and GameName for your save data, here’s how it’s done. If necessary, all pregen World Names can be found here.

  1. Access the Game Host Bros Panel and Stop your server.
  2. Go to Configuration > Startup Parameters.
  3. Edit Game World and change it to your [WorldName].
  4. Edit Game Name and change it to your [SaveName].
  5. Start your server.

You can check to see if it’s loaded correctly by watching your server Console, it should look something like this.

Terminal window
[Game Host Bros] Server marked as ON
World: `[WorldName]`
Game name: `[SaveName]`

Remember if you get stuck at any time then reach out to a bro!