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How To Install Mods On Your Arma Reforger Server

Adding mods to Arma Reforger is a great way to mix-up the gameplay and try new things, whether it’s a simple quality-of-life mod or a total overhaul, there’ll likely be something that’s perfect for you.

This guide will cover where to find and how to install mods on your Arma Reforger server.

Downloading And Locating Arma Reforger Mods

Arma Reforger mods are downloaded through the in-game Workshop menu, after you’ve downloaded your desired mods and if required their listed dependencies, follow the steps below to retrieve the necessary mod data to install them on your server

Locating Arma Reforger Mods

  1. Press Windows Key + R on your keyboard.

  2. Copy and paste this:

    %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\addons
  3. Here you will find your mods, open the folder of a mod you wish to install.

  4. Open ServerData.json.

  5. Copy the following data, version, id, and name.

Here’s a template that you can copy your mods version, id, and name into, this will be useful for the next steps of installing this mod on your server.

"modId": "59674C21AA886D57",
"name": "BetterMuzzleFlashes 2.0",
"version": "2.0.8"

Installing Mods On Your Arma Reforger Server

  1. Access the Game Host Bros Game Panel and Stop your Arma Reforger Server.

  2. Go to Management > File Manager.

  3. Open config.json and find the mods line.

    • Here is an example of what this will look like without any mods:
    "mods": [],
  4. Add your mod version, id, and name, following this example:

    "mods": [
    "modId": "59674C21AA886D57",
    "name": "BetterMuzzleFlashes 2.0",
    "version": "2.0.8"
    "name": "Hosted By Game Host Bros",
  5. Start your server.

Multiple Mod Template
"mods": [
"modId": "59674C21AA886D57",
"name": "BetterMuzzleFlashes 2.0",
"version": "2.0.8"
"modId": "59651354B2904BA6",
"name": "BetterHitsEffects 3.0 Alpha",
"version": "3.0.1"
"modId": "59A30ACC02650E71",
"name": "Night Vision System",
"version": "1.1.26"
"name": "Hosted By Game Host Bros",