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How To Change Map On Your Conan Exiles Server

This is how to change the map on your Conan Exiles server, this is how select which map your server will load.

Changing Conan Exiles Map

  1. Log in to the Game Host Bros Panel and stop your server.

  2. Go to Management > File Manager.

  3. Navigate to ConanSandbox/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/Engine.ini

  4. Add one of the following to your Engine.ini file, separate from other sections.

    Isle of Siptah DLC Map


    Custom Map

    ServerDefaultMap= File Path To Your Map
  5. Click save, then start your server.

If you ever want to revert back to the default map simply stop your server and remove what you’ve added.

For a custom map such as Savage Wilds, follow this guide.