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How To Install Mods On Core Keeper

In this guide you will learn how to install Mods to your Core Keeper server. You can download Mods from

This guide will cover how to install Mods locally to your own game and your Core Keeper server.

Installing Core Keeper Mods Locally

  1. Open Core Keeper.
  2. Select Mods in the menu.
  3. Subscribe to your desired Mods.
  4. Confirm that they are enabled under Collections.
  5. Restart Core Keeper to load your enabled Mods.

Uploading Core Keeper Mods To Your Server

Downloading Core Keeper Mods

  1. Go to this website
    • In the left-hand sidebar, optionally filter by Server.
  2. Select the Mod you wish to download.
  3. In the right-hand sidebar, click the Manual Download button under Download files manually.

Uploading Mods To Your Server

  1. Access the Game Host Bros Panel and Stop your Core Keeper server.
  2. Go to Management > File Manager.
  3. Navigate to /CoreKeeperServer_Data/StreamingAssets/ and create a folder named Mods.
  4. Enter Mods and create another folder named after the Mod you’re installing.
  5. Open your new folder and Upload your downloaded file.
  6. Once uploaded, decompress the archive.
  7. Start your server

The example below uses the mod ChestLabels, this mod in particular must be installed on both your server and local Core Keeper game to function.

Here’s what your server should now look like:

  • DirectoryCoreKeeperServer_Data
    • DirectoryStreamingAssets
      • DirectoryMods Create me!
        • DirectoryChestLabels Create me!
          • Decompress/Extract me!
          • ModManifest.json
          • DirectoryScripts/