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How To Edit CS2 Server Config Files

In this guide you will learn how to edit the different Counter-Strike 2 config files such as server.cfg, gamemode_server.cfg and exactly what each one is for.

Main Configs in CS2

By default, the configuration files listed below will control 99% of the things you need to do on your server. Here is an overview of each file and what commands/convars should go where. You can edit these files by going to Management > File Manager.


Default location: /game/csgo/cfg/server.cfg

The server.cfg file is mostly only used for changing server related settings like game mechanics, physics, and other aspects that affect all players in the server (sv_ convars). Examples include sv_cheats, which allows or disallows the use of cheat commands, and sv_gravity, which sets the gravity level in the server.

Unlike previous Counter-Strike games, your server.cfg file should rarely be edited.


Default location: /game/csgo/cfg/gamemode_casual_server.cfg

All your custom gameplay commands go into your _server config files. These are different for each Game Mode you’re using.

These configs are for specific multiplayer settings (mp_, bot_ convars). They’re used to configure aspects of the game that are relevant in a multiplayer context, such as round timers, team balancing, and win conditions. For example, mp_roundtime sets the duration of each round, and mp_maxrounds determines the maximum number of rounds in a match.

Here is a list of all the CS2 Game Modes and their respective config.

Game ModeConfig
Co-op Strikegamemode_coopmission_server.cfg
Training Daygamemode_new_user_training.cfg
Weapons Expertgamemode_competitive_server.cfg


Default location: /game/csgo/mapcycle.txt

The mapcycle.txt file is where you can edit the CS2 map rotation. By default, we have added all the default maps, so you can just delete the maps you don’t need from the config.

Plugin Config Files

Default location: /game/csgo/addons/counterstrikesharp/configs

If you’re using CS2 plugins such as CounterStrikeSharp, each plugin you install should generate a config file inside the CounterStrikeSharp plugin folder. Some plugins may put their config file in /game/csgo/addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins. If you’re in doubt, you’ll need to refer to the plugin authors documentation.

Finding Convars & Commands

If you ever need to find a convar or command, you can simply go to your servers console and type find followed by what you’re looking to change. For example if you wanted to find a command about listing workshop maps, you can simply type find workshop, and it will output all the current convars, commands along with a description of what they all do.