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Common Deadlock Commands List

Here is a full list of console commands for both your Deadlock server and clients. Please be aware some commands are cheat protected and you will need to use sv_cheats 1 to allow them.

Finding Console Commands

You can search through all the commands for Deadlock by going to your server console and typing find followed by the description of what you want. Most things to do with Deadlock start with the prefix citadel_.

Please remember that the Source engine is used in multiple games so just because a command exists, doesn’t mean it will work.

Most Common Deadlock Console Commands

Here is a list of the most common commands you and your players will want to use for their Deadlock server.

exec citadel_botmatch_practice_6v6_hardLoads the bot configuration. Replace hard with easy or medium to adjust bot difficulty.
changelevel street_testRestarts the game on the map street_test.
citadel_spawn_practice_bots falsePrevents bots from spawning immediately when the game starts.
citadel_spawn_practice_bots_count 12Ensures bots fill all remaining slots (12 bots in total, with 6 on each team).
citadel_pregame_duration [time]Increases the duration of the pregame. Replace [time] with the desired pregame length.
changeteam 0Client command. Allows players to switch teams if the team/hero selection menu is glitchy.
citadel_spawn_practice_bots trueSpawns bots to fill any remaining slots after human players have joined.

All Deadlock Console Commands

bot_kick_allKicks all bots from the game.
changelevelLoads a new map. When used in a multiplayer lobby, players will remain connected while the map changes. Values: See the map command.
changeteamAllows changing your team and hero. Values: 0: Select a team and hero, 1: Join spectators, 2: Join The Amber Hand and select a hero, 3: Join The Sapphire Flame and select a hero.
citadel_allow_purchasing_anywhereEnables purchasing anywhere on the map, not just at shops. Requires cheats. Values: true/false
citadel_enable_fast_cooldownsEnables fast cooldowns, causing all abilities to have a 2 second cooldown. Requires cheats.
citadel_disable_fast_cooldownsDisables fast cooldowns. Requires cheats.
citadel_enable_fast_staminaEnables fast stamina, causing stamina to regen very fast. Requires cheats.
citadel_disable_fast_staminaDisables fast stamina. Requires cheats.
citadel_enable_no_hero_deathEnables invincibility (your health will never go below 1). Requires cheats.
citadel_disable_no_hero_deathDisables invincibility. Requires cheats.
citadel_display_new_player_recommendationsTurns the “Great for New Players” banner on/off when selecting a hero. Values: true/false. Default: true
citadel_hero_testing_enabledEnables the “Testing Tools” menu from the Hero Sandbox. Enabling the menu does not require cheats, but using any of this menu’s functionality will. Values: true/false. Default: false
citadel_hero_testing_infinite_moneyGives players infinite souls and ability points. Values: true/false. Default: false
citadel_hud_visibleShows/hides the HUD. Values: true/false. Default: true
citadel_pausePause the match.
citadel_pregame_durationChanges the duration of the pregame (countdown before the game starts). Values: number. Default: 10.0
citadel_region_overrideOverrides your matchmaking region. Values: -1: Auto, 0: North America, 1: Europe, 2: Asia, 3: South America, 4: Europe (not sure if this is different from 1), 5: Oceania. Default: -1
citadel_solo_bot_matchGets enabled by bot match configs. When disabled, bots don’t move. This also enables the pregame countdown. Not sure what else it does. Values: true/false. Default: false
citadel_spawn_nearby_neutralsRespawns nearby neutral camps. Requires cheats.
citadel_spawn_practice_botsEnable to spawn bots when the game starts. You can also set this to true during a game to spawn bots (although setting it to false, kicking bots, and setting it to true again will not respawn bots). Values: true/false. Default: false
citadel_spawn_practice_bots_countNumber of practice bots to spawn when citadel_spawn_practice_bots is set to true. Values: number
citadel_test_survey_popupShows the post-match survey popup asking players to rate the match.
citadel_unlock_flex_slotsUnlocks all flex slots. Requires cheats.
citadel_unpause_countdownChanges how many seconds the countdown will last when the game is unpaused. Requires cheats. Values: number. Default: 3
deadlock_early_development_warning_disabledDisables the Early Development Build popup when the game starts. This gets set to true if you close the popup after checking “Don’t show this again”. Values: true/false. Default: false
deadlock_post_match_survey_disabledDisables the post-match survey. This gets set to true if you submit or skip a survey after checking “Don’t show this again”. Values: true/false. Default: false
disconnectDisconnect from the current match.
dump_hero_namesLists the internal names of all available heros. Requires cheats.
healthpctSets your health to the given percentage of your max health. Requires cheats. Values: 0 - 100
hurtmeDeals 10 damage to yourself. Requires cheats.
killmeKills you.
kingmeGives you 1.2 million souls and levels up all your abilities. Requires cheats.
mapStarts a game and loads into the chosen map. When used in a multiplayer lobby, this command will kick everyone from the server. Use changelevel to switch maps without kicking everyone. Values: street_test: The main multiplayer map, new_player_basics: The Hero Sandbox map, 1v1_test: Seems like an early, smaller version of street_test, hero_testing: Seems like an early Hero Sandbox
npc_destroyDestroys an NPC (troopers, guardians, walkers, etc.). As opposed to npc_kill, which causes the standard death sequence, this command zaps the NPC out of existence. Values: The name of an NPC to destroy (type npc_destroy to see a list of names). If no name is provided, destroys the NPC you’re looking at.
npc_killKills an NPC (troopers, guardians, walkers, etc.). This causes the standard death sequence with particles, announcer lines, drops souls, etc. Values: The name of an NPC to kill (type npc_kill to see a list of names). If no name is provided, kills the NPC you’re looking at.
quitCloses the game.
resetmeResets your level, abilities, and souls. Requires cheats.
selectheroRequires you to be on the hero selection screen, or have citadel_hero_testing_enabled set to true. Values: Hero name from dump_hero_names
trooper_kill_allKills all non-neutral creeps and guardians that aren’t shielded. Requires cheats.
trooper_kill_non_bossesKills all non-neutral creeps. Requires cheats.