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Deadlock Troubleshooting

As Deadlock is extremely new, we have compiled a list of common errors and fixes.

Setting A Match Like Matchmaking

Currently there are no commands that allow you to run a match like normal online matchmaking. We have a Game Preset called 6v6_comp that will get you close to that experience but requires extra steps.

  1. After everyone has joined the server type changelevel street_test and then rejoin the server.
  2. Pause the server once you join by pressing P.
  3. Wait for everyone to get in again.

There is a message about being a bot match. This is only set to get the pre-game working correctly (citadel_solo_bot_match 1). If you can’t get into your server while pre-game is running, you can go to /game/citadel/cfg/6v6_comp.cfg and change citadel_pregame_duration to something higher than 30 seconds.

No Player Limits

There is no way to enforce player limits on Deadlock yet, this means that more than 12 people can join your server at ANY time. We suggest you set a password on your Deadlock server and change it before any match starts to avoide randoms joining your server.

Cant Swap Heros

Once a player joins a team and picks a hero, he cannot switch teams so you need to restart the server. You can try changeteam 0 but there are reports of this not working.

Server Isn’t Responding

We’ve noticed that even an idle Deadlock server will crash after some time with no indication that it has stopped. You will need to restart the server to get back into the game. We notice it happens once roughly every 6 hours. You can quickly check if your server has crashed by typing status into the console.

Game Host Bros recommends that you restart your server before and after any match played for the best stability. We are working on crash detection and will implement a fix for this soon. You can also use our Schedules feature to automate the process of Restarting the server.