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How To Configure Every Setting On Your Enshrouded Server

In this guide, we will show you how to change the server difficulty on your Enshrouded server.

This is our advanced guide allowing you to change every setting individually, for basic Difficulty presets follow this guide.

Editing enshrouded_server.json

This is the advanced way to modify Enshrouded server settings, if you’re looking for full customization of each individual option this is the method for you.

  1. Login to the Game Host Bros Panel and Stop your Enshrouded server.
  2. Go to Configuration > Startup Parameters.
  3. Find the Difficulty setting and change it to Custom.
  4. Go to Management > File Manager and open the file enshrouded_server.json.
  5. After you have made the changes you want, start the server.

The following options can be modified in the enshrouded_server.json file, under the gameSettings section.

Units involving time are in nanoseconds (1/1,000,000,000 of a second), in-game they are displayed as minutes, you can calculate your desired value using this calculator.

Setting NameDescription
playerHealthFactorAdjusts player health scale. Min: 0.25 Max: 4
playerManaFactorAdjusts player mana scale. Min: 0.25 Max: 4
playerStaminaFactorAdjusts player stamina scale. Min: 0.25 Max: 4
playerBodyHeatFactorIncreases resistance to cold. Min: 0.5 Max: 2
enableDurabilityPrevents weapons breaking if false. Values: true/false
enableStarvingDebuffEnables health loss when starving. Values: true/false
foodBuffDurationFactorAdjusts food buff duration. Min: 0.5 Max: 2
fromHungerToStarvingTime before starvation begins. Min: 300000000000 (5 Minutes) Max: 1200000000000 (20 minutes)
shroudTimeFactorAdjusts time spent in the Shroud. Min: 0.5 Max: 2
enableGliderTurbulencesDisables glider air turbulence if false. Values: true/false
weatherFrequencyFrequency of weather changes. Values: Disabled/Rare/Normal/Often
randomSpawnerAmountControls enemy count. Values: Few/Normal/Many/Extreme
miningDamageFactorAdjusts mining yield. Min: 0.5 Max: 2
plantGrowthSpeedFactorAdjusts plant growth speed. Min: 0.25 Max: 2
resourceDropStackAmountFactorAdjusts resource stack sizes. Min: 0.25 Max: 2
factoryProductionSpeedFactorReduces production time. Min: 0.25 Max: 2
perkUpgradeRecyclingFactorRune yield when recycling weapons. Min: 0 Max: 1
perkCostFactorAdjusts rune upgrade costs. Min: 0.25 Max: 2
experienceCombatFactorAdjusts combat XP gain. Min: 0.25 Max: 2
experienceMiningFactorAdjusts mining XP gain. Min: 0 Max: 2
experienceExplorationQuestsFactorAdjusts quest XP gain. Min: 0.25 Max: 2
aggroPoolAmountControls enemy attack count. Values: Few/Normal/Many/Extreme
enemyDamageFactorAdjusts enemy damage. (Excludes Bosses) Min: 0.25 Max: 5
enemyHealthFactorAdjusts enemy health. (Excludes Bosses) Min: 0.25 Max: 4
enemyStaminaFactorAdjusts enemy stun resistance. (Excludes Bosses) Min: 0.5 Max: 2
enemyPerceptionRangeFactorAdjusts enemy perception range. (Excludes Bosses) Min: 0.5 Max: 2
bossDamageFactorScales the damage of boss attacks. Min: 0.2 Max: 5
bossHealthFactorScales all health of bosses by this value. Min: 0.2 Max: 5
threatBonusAdjusts enemy attack frequency. (Excludes Bosses) Min: 0.25 Max: 4
pacifyAllEnemiesEnemies won’t attack if true. (Excludes Bosses) Values: true/false
tamingStartleRepercussionTaming progress impact if startled. Values: KeepProgress/LoseSomeProgress/LoseAllProgress
dayTimeDurationAdjusts day length. Min: 120000000000 (2 Minutes) Max: 3600000000000 (60 Minutes)
nightTimeDurationAdjusts night length. Min: 120000000000 (2 Minutes) Max: 3600000000000 (60 Minutes)
tombstoneModeDetermines item loss on death. Values: AddBackpackMaterials/Everything/NoTombstone
enableTextChatAllows switching text chat completely off or enabling it. Values: true/false
enableVoiceChatAllows switching voice chat completely off or enabling it. Values: true/false
voiceChatModeSwitches between proximity and global server-wide voice chat. Values: Proximity/Global
enshrouded_server.json - Custom Game Settings Example
"gameSettingsPreset": "Custom",
"gameSettings": {
"playerHealthFactor": 2,
"playerManaFactor": 3,
"playerStaminaFactor": 4,
"playerBodyHeatFactor": 0.25,
"enableDurability": true,
"enableStarvingDebuff": false,
"foodBuffDurationFactor": 1,
"fromHungerToStarving": 300000000000,
"shroudTimeFactor": 1,
"tombstoneMode": "AddBackpackMaterials",
"enableGliderTurbulences": true,
"weatherFrequency": "Normal",
"miningDamageFactor": 1,
"plantGrowthSpeedFactor": 1,
"resourceDropStackAmountFactor": 1,
"factoryProductionSpeedFactor": 1,
"perkUpgradeRecyclingFactor": 0.500000,
"perkCostFactor": 1,
"experienceCombatFactor": 1,
"experienceMiningFactor": 1,
"experienceExplorationQuestsFactor": 1,
"randomSpawnerAmount": "Normal",
"aggroPoolAmount": "Normal",
"enemyDamageFactor": 1,
"enemyHealthFactor": 1,
"enemyStaminaFactor": 2,
"enemyPerceptionRangeFactor": 1,
"bossDamageFactor": 1,
"bossHealthFactor": 1,
"threatBonus": 1,
"pacifyAllEnemies": false,
"tamingStartleRepercussion": "LoseSomeProgress",
"dayTimeDuration": 1800000000000,
"nightTimeDuration": 720000000000