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How To Setup Custom Roles In Enshrouded

In this guide you will learn how to setup custom permissions and groups for your Enshrouded server. This is designed for advance users who need granular control of their server.

  1. Login to the Game Host Bros Panel and select your Enshrouded server.
  2. Go to Management > File Manager and open the file enshrouded_server.json.
  3. Under the userGroups section, add the roles you require.

Here is an example of how your userGroups section should look like with multiple roles. There are some groups added already by our panel such as the Admin and Everyone group. If you want to delete this admin group then you must go to Configuration > Startup Parameters and set Admin Password so its blank.

"name": "Enshrouded Server",
"ip": "",
"userGroups": [
"name": "Admin",
"password": "Randomized password 01",
"canKickBan": true,
"canAccessInventories": true,
"canEditBase": true,
"canExtendBase": true,
"reservedSlots": 1
"name": "Friend",
"password": "Randomized password 02",
"canKickBan": false,
"canAccessInventories": true,
"canEditBase": true,
"canExtendBase": true,
"reservedSlots": 3
"name": "Everyone",
"password": "Randomized password 03",
"canKickBan": false,
"canAccessInventories": false,
"canEditBase": false,
"canExtendBase": false,
"reservedSlots": 0

Permissions and Descriptions

Here is a list of all the enshrouded role permissions and what they do. The only settings for each are true or false except for reservedSlots.

canKickBanAllows kicking and banning other players.
canAccessInventoriesAllows accessing chests and other containers.
canEditBaseAllows making changes to player bases.
canExtendBaseAllows extending player bases.
reservedSlotsReserves slots for the specified user group, ensuring they can join even if the server is full.