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How To Add Admins In ICARUS

Managing player permissions—including granting administrative privileges or banning players—is essential for maintaining a healthy gaming environment. ICARUS server’s use an Admin Password to authenticate users.

Setting An Admin Password

  1. Access the Game Host Bros Panel and Stop your ICARUS server.
  2. Go to Configuration > Startup Parameters.
  3. Under Basic, set your desired Admin Password.
  4. Restart your server.

Becoming An Admin In ICARUS

  1. Connect to your server.
  2. Open chat with Enter.
  3. Enter /adminlogin YourAdminPassword.

All ICARUS Admin Commands

/AdminLogin [Password]Authenticate as an Admin on your server.
/AdminSay [Message]Display a message to all players.
/BanPlayer [Steam ID/Player Name] [Reason]Ban a player from the server with an optional reason.
/HelpDisplay a list of available commands
/KickPlayer [Steam ID/Player Name] [Reason]Kick a player from the server with an optional reason.
/ReturnToLobbyImmediately returns the dedicated server to the lobby.
/ReturnToLobbyWhenEmptyReturns the dedicated server to the lobby as soon as the server is empty.
/UnbanPlayer [Steam ID/Player Name]Unbans a player from the server.