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How To Configure Your Palworld Server

Here’s how you can locate the and edit the config file for your Palworld server. By default, we create this configuration file for you.

Editing PalWorldSettings.ini

Editing your PalWorldSettings.ini file is the fastest way to modify basic settings on your Palworld server. Some settings such as BaseCampMaxNumInGuild=20 will need to be added to your PalWorldSettings.ini manually.

  1. Firstly, login to the Game Host Bros Panel and once there, select your Palworld Service
  2. Once on your Palworld Service, ensure you stop it before proceeding.
  3. Once stopped, on the left, navigate to Management then File Manager.
  4. Navigate to /Pal/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/PalWorldSettings.ini.
  5. After you have made the changes you want, start the server.

Palworld Settings List

Here is a list of all the settings inside the PalworldSettings.ini file as well as what they do.

AdminPasswordPassword used to obtain administrative privileges on the server.
AllowConnectPlatformSpecify which platforms are allowed to connect. Steam or Xbox (Default value is Steam)
BaseCampMaxNumInGuildMax BaseCamp count per guild. Default is 3. (MAX 10) Larger value will increase system load
BaseCampWorkerMaxNumMax pals per basecamp (MAX 50) Larger value will increase system load
bEnableInvaderEnemyEnable Invader
bIsUseBackupSaveDataEnable world backup Disk load will be increased when enabled
bShowPlayerListEnable player list when the press ESC key
BuildObjectDamageRateDamage to Structure Multiplier
BuildObjectDeteriorationDamageRateStructure Deterioration Rate
CollectionDropRateGatherable Items Multiplier
CollectionObjectHpRateGatherable Objects Health Multiplier
CollectionObjectRespawnSpeedRateGatherable Objects Respawn Interval
DayTimeSpeedRateDay time speed
DeathPenaltyDeath Penalty None : No drops, Item : Drop all items except equipment, ItemAndEquipment : Drop all items, All : Drop all items and all Pals on team
EnemyDropItemRateDropped Items Multiplier
ExpRateEXP rate
GuildPlayerMaxNumMax Player Number of Guilds
LogFormatTypeLog format Text or Json
NightTimeSpeedRateNight time speed
PalAutoHPRegeneRatePal Auto Health Regeneration Rate
PalAutoHpRegeneRateInSleepPal Sleep Health Regeneration Rate (Health Regeneration Rate in Palbox)
PalCaptureRatePal capture rate
PalDamageRateAttackDamage from Pals Multiplier
PalDamageRateDefenseDamage to Pals Multiplier
PalEggDefaultHatchingTimeTime (h) to incubate Massive Egg. Note: Other eggs also require time to incubate.
PalSpawnNumRatePal Appearance Rate *Note: Affects game performance
PalStaminaDecreaceRatePal Stamina Reduction Rate
PalStomachDecreaceRatePal Hunger Depletion Rate
PlayerAutoHPRegeneRatePlayer Auto Health Regeneration Rate
PlayerAutoHpRegeneRateInSleepPlayer Sleep Health Regeneration Rate
PlayerDamageRateAttackDamage from Player Multiplier
PlayerDamageRateDefenseDamage to Player Multiplier
PlayerStaminaDecreaceRatePlayer Stamina Reduction Rate
PlayerStomachDecreaceRatePlayer Hunger Depletion Rate
PublicIPExplicitly specify an external public IP in the community server settings
PublicPortExplicitly specify the external public port in the community server configuration. (This setting does not change the server’s listen port.)
RCONEnabledEnable RCON
RCONPortPort Number for RCON
RESTAPIPortListen port for REST API
ServerDescriptionServer description
ServerNameServer name
ServerPasswordPassword required for server login
ServerPlayerMaxNumMaximum number of players that can join the server

Editing WorldOptions.sav (Advanced)

  1. Generate a WorldOptions.sav file using the settings you want from here (We suggest importing your PalWorldSettings.ini file).
  2. Login to the Game Host Bros Panel and once there, select your Palworld Service.
  3. Once on your Palworld Service, ensure you stop it before proceeding.
  4. Once stopped, on the left, navigate to Management then File Manager.
  5. Navigate to Pal/Saved/SaveGames/0/YOURWORLDFILE and drag the WorldOptions.sav into the save folder with your LevelMeta.sav and Level.sav.
  6. After you have uploaded the file, start the server.