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How To Configure Your Palworld Server

Here’s how you can locate the and edit the config file for your Palworld server. By default, we create this configuration file for you.

How To Change Settings On Palworld

  1. Access the Game Host Bros Panel.
  2. Go to Configuration > Startup Parameters.
  3. Change the settings you want.
  4. Restart your server.

Editing PalWorldSettings.ini

  1. Login to the Game Host Bros Panel and stop your Palworld server.
  2. Once stopped, on the sidebar, navigate to Management > File Manager.
  3. Navigate to /Pal/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/PalWorldSettings.ini.
  4. After you have made the changes you want, start the server.

Palworld Settings List

Here is a list of all the settings inside the PalworldSettings.ini file as well as what they do.

ParameterDefault ValueDescription
AdminPassword""Password used to obtain administrative privileges on the server.
AllowConnectPlatformSteamSpecify which platforms are allowed to connect. Steam or Xbox
AutoResetGuildTimeNoOnlinePlayers72.000000How quickly an inactive Guild will be disbanded
BaseCampMaxNumInGuild4Max BaseCamp count per guild. Larger value will increase system load!
BaseCampWorkerMaxNum15Max pals per basecamp. Larger value will increase system load.
BuildObjectDamageRate1.000000Damage to Structure Multiplier
BuildObjectDeteriorationDamageRate1.000000Structure Deterioration Rate
CollectionDropRate1.000000Gatherable Items Multiplier
CollectionObjectHpRate1.000000Gatherable Objects Health Multiplier
CollectionObjectRespawnSpeedRate1.000000Gatherable Objects Respawn Interval
CoopPlayerMaxNum4Sets the maximum player count for a Cooperative game (Currently doesn’t seem to do anything, but is included in the default configuration file)
DayTimeSpeedRate1.000000Day time speed
DeathPenaltyAllDeath Penalty None: No drops, Item: Drop all items except equipment, ItemAndEquipment: Drop all items, All: Drop all items and all Pals on team
DropItemAliveMaxHours1.000000How long dropped items stay before they disappear
DropItemMaxNum3000Max amount of items that can be dropped
EnemyDropItemRate1.000000Dropped Items Multiplier
ExpRate1.000000EXP rate
GuildPlayerMaxNum20Max Player Number of Guilds
LogFormatTypeTextLog format Text or Json
NightTimeSpeedRate1.000000Night time speed
PalAutoHPRegeneRate1.000000Pal Auto Health Regeneration Rate
PalAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep1.000000Pal Sleep Health Regeneration Rate (Health Regeneration Rate in Palbox)
PalCaptureRate1.000000Pal capture rate
PalDamageRateAttack1.000000Damage from Pals Multiplier
PalDamageRateDefense1.000000Damage to Pals Multiplier
PalEggDefaultHatchingTime72.000000Time (h) to incubate Massive Egg. Note: Other eggs also require time to incubate.
PalSpawnNumRate1.000000Pal Appearance Rate *Note: Affects game performance
PalStaminaDecreaceRate1.000000Pal Stamina Reduction Rate
PalStomachDecreaceRate1.000000Pal Hunger Depletion Rate
PlayerAutoHPRegeneRate1.000000Player Auto Health Regeneration Rate
PlayerAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep1.000000Player Sleep Health Regeneration Rate
PlayerDamageRateAttack1.000000Damage from Player Multiplier
PlayerDamageRateDefense1.000000Damage to Player Multiplier
PlayerStaminaDecreaceRate1.000000Player Stamina Reduction Rate
PlayerStomachDecreaceRate1.000000Player Hunger Depletion Rate
PublicIP""Explicitly specify an external public IP in the community server settings
PublicPort8211Explicitly specify the external public port in the community server configuration. (This setting does not change the server’s listen port.)
RCONEnabledFalseEnable RCON
RCONPort25575Port Number for RCON
Region""Sets server region (Seems to just be for display purposes)
RESTAPIEnabledFalseEnable REST API
RESTAPIPort8212Listen port for REST API
ServerDescription""Server description
ServerName”Default Palworld Server”Server name
ServerPassword""Password required for server login
WorkSpeedRate1.000000Work speed rate modifier
bAutoResetGuildNoOnlinePlayersFalseEnable disbanding Guilds when none of the member players have been online (based on duration specified by AutoResetGuildTimeNoOnlinePlayers)
bCanPickupOtherGuildDeathPenaltyDropFalseAllow players to pick up items dropped on death by players from Guilds other than their own
bEnableAimAssistKeyboardFalseEnables keyboard aim assist
bEnableAimAssistPadTrueEnables aim pad aim assist
bEnableDefenseOtherGuildPlayerFalseEnables or disables the defense of other guild players
bEnableFastTravelTrueEnables fast travel
bEnableFriendlyFireFalseEnables friendly fire
bEnableInvaderEnemyTrueEnable Invader
bEnableNonLoginPenaltyTrueEnables penalties for players who don’t login over a period of time
bEnablePlayerToPlayerDamageFalseEnables player to player damage
bExistPlayerAfterLogoutFalseEnables if player characters remain in-game after logging out
bInvisibleOtherGuildBaseCampAreaFXFalseBlue parameter circle is invisible to you if you are looking from another guild
bIsPvPFalseEnables PvP
bIsStartLocationSelectByMapTrueSets if the start location can be chosen by using the map
bIsUseBackupSaveDataTrueEnable world backup Disk load will be increased when enabled
bShowPlayerListFalseEnable player list when the ESC key is pressed
bUseAuthTrueToggles server player authentication - not recommended to change

Editing WorldOptions.sav (Legacy - Advanced)

  1. Generate a WorldOptions.sav file using the settings you want from here (We suggest importing your PalWorldSettings.ini file).
  2. Login to the Game Host Bros Panel and once there, select your Palworld Service.
  3. Once on your Palworld Service, ensure you stop it before proceeding.
  4. Once stopped, on the left, navigate to Management then File Manager.
  5. Navigate to Pal/Saved/SaveGames/0/YOURWORLDFILE and drag the WorldOptions.sav into the save folder with your LevelMeta.sav and Level.sav.
  6. After you have uploaded the file, start the server.