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How To Use RCON On Palworld

Game Host Bros Palworld servers have RCON enabled by default, however for security reasons you’re restricted to using the web console directly. If you require external access, then contact support and we will open external access for you.

Changing Your Palworld RCON Password

  1. Access the Game Host Bros Panel.
  2. Navigate to Configuration > Startup Parameters.
  3. Under Basic edit Admin Password with the password you want to set.
  4. Start your server.

RCON Commands

Here is a list of all the Palworld RCON commands that you can use from the Server Console.

AdminPasswordObtain administrative privileges using a password.
Shutdown [Seconds] [MessageText]Shutdown the server. Usage: Shutdown [Seconds] [MessageText] If [Seconds] is specified, the server will shut down after the specified time has elapsed. The server participant will be notified of what you have entered in [MessageText].
DoExitForce stop the server.
Broadcast MessageTextSend a message to all players in the server. Usage: Broadcast MessageText
KickPlayer SteamIDKick player SteamID from the server. Usage: KickPlayer steam_SteamID64
BanPlayer SteamIDBan player SteamID from the server. Usage: BanPlayer steam_SteamID64
ShowPlayersShow information on all connected players.
InfoShow server information.
SaveSave the world data.
UnBanPlayer SteamIDUnban player SteamID from the server. Usage: UnBanPlayer steam_SteamID64

To use these commands and more in-game refer to our Admin Commands Guide.