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How To Add Bots To Your Quake Live Server

In this guide we will show you how you can add bots to your Quake Live server.

Automatically Adding Bots

Using this method will add random bots to the server when it is first started.

  1. Access the Game Host Bros Panel and select your Quake Live server.
  2. In the sidebar click on Management > File Manager.
  3. Select the baseq3 folder and open your server.cfg.
  4. Add set bot_enable 1 and set bot_minplayers 2 to the end of the file (each on their own line).
  5. Save your server.cfg and restart your server.

Manually Adding Custom Bots

You can use this method to add specific type of bots to the server.

  1. Access the Game Host Bros Panel and select your Quake Live server.
  2. In the sidebar click on Management > File Manager.
  3. Select the baseq3 folder and open your server.cfg.
  4. Add set bot_enable 1 to the end of the file.
  5. Save your server.cfg and restart your server.

You can now type addbot anarki 5 in the server console and it will add a single bot. You can change the difficulty of the bot by changing the number after the bot name from 1 to 5. You can remove all the bots from the server by typing kick allbots.

Here is a list of all the different character names with the command to add that bot.

Anarkiaddbot anarki 5
Angeladdbot angel 5
Bikeraddbot biker 5
Bittermanaddbot bitterman 5
Bonesaddbot bones 5
Crashaddbot crash 5
Doomaddbot doom 5
Gorreaddbot gorre 5
Hunteraddbot hunter 5
Keeladdbot keel 5
Kleskaddbot klesk 5
Lucyaddbot lucy 5
Majoraddbot major 5
Mynxaddbot mynx 5
Orbbaddbot orbb 5
Patriotaddbot patriot 5
Phobosaddbot phobos 5
Rangeraddbot ranger 5
Razoraddbot razor 5
Sargeaddbot sarge 5
Slashaddbot slash 5
Sorlagaddbot sorlag 5
Stripeaddbot stripe 5
Tank Jr.addbot tankjr 5
Urieladdbot uriel 5
Visoraddbot visor 5
Xaeroaddbot xaero 5