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How To Upload A Custom Map To Your Rust Server

Want to explore new terrains on your Rust server? This easy-to-follow guide will show you how to add a custom map to your Rust server.

Here’s how to download and play a custom map to your Rust Server. You can find custom maps from a website such as

Installing Oxide And RustEdit

Oxide is a modding framework, and RustEdit is a required extension for further customization of Rust maps, your server must have these installed to play Custom Maps.

  1. Log into the Game Host Bros Panel and Stop your Rust server.
  2. Go to Configuration > Startup Parameters.
  3. Under Modding Frameworks select oxide or oxide-staging.
  4. Go to Tools > Mod Manager.
  5. Install RustEdit.
  6. Start your server.

Wipe Your Server Recommended

Before switching to a custom map, we recommend performing a Map Wipe or Full Wipe.

Installing A Custom Map

After installing Oxide and RustEdit, here’s how to add a custom map to your Rust server.

  1. Log into the Game Host Bros Panel and Stop your Rust server.
  2. Go to Configuration > Startup Parameters.
  3. Find Custom Map URL.
  4. Paste in the Dropbox download URL to your .map file, in the URL make sure dl=0 is set to dl=1.
  5. Start your server.