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How To Wipe Your Rust Server

Wiping your server is a great way of keeping gameplay fresh, by performing cycled wipes - full wipes specifically, you’re effectively establishing equal footing between new and veteran players.

Here are the most common ways to wipe your Rust server.

Blueprint (BP) Wipe

Wiping Blueprints will reset the blueprint progress for all players, this is a great wipe to keep the flow of newer players joining your server, while also encouraging your veterans to start playing again.

  1. Access the Game Host Bros Panel and Stop your Rust server.
  2. Go to Management > File Manager.
  3. Navigate to /server/rust/.
  4. Delete all of the player.blueprint files.
  5. Start your server.

Files to Delete:

  • Directoryserver
    • Directoryrust
      • player.blueprints.x.db Delete me!
      • player.blueprints.x.db-wal Delete me!

Map Wipe

Here’s how to perform a Map Wipe, performing a Map Wipe will clear all structures created by players.

  1. Access the Game Host Bros Panel and Stop your Rust server.
  2. Go to Management > File Manager.
  3. Navigate to /server/rust/.
  4. Delete all of the .map, .sav and player.states files.
  5. Start your server.

Files to Delete:

  • Directoryserver
    • Directoryrust
      • Yourmap.sav Delete me!
      • Delete me!
      • player.states.db Delete me!
      • player.states.db-wal Delete me!
      • player.deaths.db (Recommended to delete)
      • player.deaths.db-wal (Recommended to delete)

Full Wipe

This is the most common Wipe, a Full Wipe (Server Wipe) refers to a wipe where all game data is erased, causing all players to have a fresh start, this equalizes the map, giving all players an equal opportunity to compete on wipe day.

  1. Access the Game Host Bros Panel and Stop your Rust server.
  2. Go to Management > File Manager.
  3. Navigate to /server/rust/.
  4. Delete all of the files except cfg.
  5. Start your server.

Server Reinstallation

  1. Access the Game Host Bros Panel and select your server.
  2. Go to Management > File Manager and delete ALL the folders and files (The file manager should have nothing left).
  3. In the sidebar select Configuration > Advanced.
  4. Click Reinstall Server and wait for the install to finish.