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How To Upload Your Satisfactory Single-Player Save To Your Server

In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of uploading a single-player save file to your Satisfactory dedicated server. All of this is now handled in the game itself.

If you get stuck at any time, Game Host Bros offers free save transfers. Just reach out to a bro on Discord

  1. Open Satisfactory.
  2. From the Satisfactory main menu, select Server Manager and choose the server you wish to upload the save to.
  3. Navigate to the Manage Saves section.
  4. On the right, there’s an option to upload your save file. Select the desired world.
  5. Click on the Upload Game button located at the bottom right.
  6. After the upload, go to the Load Save tab.
  7. Select the save file you uploaded, then click on the Load Game button.