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How To Add Admins To Your Sons Of The Forest Server

Here is how to add admins to your Sons Of The Forest server. In SoTF admins are able to enter commands to enable things such as godmode, superjump, item spawning and more. If you’re running a community becoming an admin is a vital part of managing your server.

Setting Yourself As An Admin In SoTF

  1. Access the Game Host Bros Panel and Stop your server.
  2. Go to Management > File Manager.
  3. Navigate to /serverconfig/ownerswhitelist.txt.
  4. On a new line, add your SteamID64 and click save.
  5. Start your server.
  • Directoryserverconfig
    • ownerswhitelist.txt edit me!

Using SoTF Admin Commands

The Sons of the forest in-game admin menu is disabled by default, here’s how to enable the admin menu and use admin commands on your server.

  1. Connect to your server.
  2. Once in-game type cheatstick to enable the developer console.
  3. Press f1 to open the admin menu.
  4. Enter your desired command, for example speedyrun on.

Admin Commands

Here’s a list of some common admin commands that you can currently use on your SoTF server.

Commands such as speedyrun, superjump and godmode are typically considered as fun commands, use these at your own discrection.

addallitemsAdds all items to your inventory
additem [ItemID]Adds a specific item to your inventory, you can find a list of ItemID’s here
buffstatsBuffs stats such as your hydration and stamina
cavelight on / offMakes your character become a light source
godmode on / offToggles invincibility mode
spawnitem 78 [value]Spawns x amount of logs
speedyrun on / offToggles speedyrun, pair this with godmode
superjump on / offToggles superjumping, pair this with godmode