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How To Configure Player Permissions In The Lord of the Rings Return to Moria

Managing player permissions-including granting administrative privileges or banning players—is essential for maintaining a healthy gaming environment. The Lord of the Rings Return to Moria uses a file called MoriaServerPermissions.txt to handle player permissions.

Configuring Permissions

Here’s how to configure permissions on your server, ensure that you’ve already connected to your server before following these steps.

  1. Log in to the Game Host Bros Panel and Stop your server.
  2. In the sidebar, go to Management > File Manager.
  3. In the home directory, open MoriaServerPermissions.txt.
  4. Scroll to the bottom and find your account name.
  5. Configure your desired permissions.
  6. Click save and start your server.
BlockedWill block a user with that account name.
DefaultWill use the default permissions.
NoConstructionPrevents user using any build or quickbuild functions, or deconstructing any player constructions.
QuickBuildAllows quick-build of platforms and rope ladders, but prevents other construction or deconstruction.
AllConstructionAllows all construction and deconstruction.
NoStoragePrevents interaction with storage containers, and disallows using shared base storage for crafting.
AllStorageAllows all use of storage containers and contents.

Here are some permission examples:

GHB = AllConstruction,AllStorage
Jerry = Blocked
Tom = Default

This example does the following:

  • Grants the player GHB access to all construction and storage permissions.
  • Blocks Jerry from connecting to your server.
  • Sets Tom’s permissions to default.