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How To Enable Voice Chat For Your V Rising Server

In this guide you will learn how to enable voice chat on your V Rising server. This comes in multiple parts as you need to upload files as well as setup a Unity Gaming Services Account. You will also need to know how to upload files to your game server..

Setup The Vivox DLLs

  1. Visit Unity Gaming Services and create a new account.
  2. From the Dashboard, click Create Project.
  3. Navigate to Multiplayer > Voice and Text Chat (Vivox).
  4. Click Setup Voice Chat.
  5. Navigate to the Setup Guide.
  6. Click Custom and select Core Windows SDK.
  7. Extract the downloaded file and navigate to \vivox-sdk\SDK\Libraries\Release\x64
  8. Using SFTP, upload the files to /VRisingServer_data/Plugins/x86_64 overwriting any existing files.

Creating ServerVoipSettings.json

  1. Access the Game Host Bros Panel.
  2. Click on your V Rising server.
  3. Go to System > Console and Stop your server.
  4. Click on Management > File Manager.
  5. Navigate to save-data/Settings
  6. Create a blank file called ServerVoipSettings.json and add the section below.
"VOIPEnabled": true,
"VOIPIssuer": "",
"VOIPSecret": "",
"VOIPAppUserId": "",
"VOIPAppUserPwd": "",
"VOIPVivoxDomain": "",
"VOIPAPIEndpoint": "",
"VOIPConversationalDistance": 14,
"VOIPAudibleDistance": 40,
"VOIPFadeIntensity": 2.0

Getting your Vivox credentials

  1. In the left-hand side bar click Credentials.
  2. Edit your ServerVoiceSettings.json file with the credentials provided.
  3. Restart your server.

Enable Voice in your V Rising Settings

  1. Open V Rising.
  2. Navigate to Options > Sound.
  3. Make sure Use Voice Chat is enabled.

If you get stuck at any time, just reach out to a bro on Discord or just use Discord for your voice chat.