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How To Restore A Backup On Your Valheim Server

This is what you do if you need to restore a backup on your Valheim server. This guide covers restoring world backups on your server and restoring local character backups.

World Backups

Follow these steps to restore your world to one of Valheim’s automatic backups.

  1. Access the Game Host Bros Panel and Stop your server.
  2. Go to Management > File Manager.
  3. Navigate to /.config/unity3d/IronGate/Valheim/worlds_local.
  4. Delete your current Dedicated.db and Dedicated.fwl files.
  5. Rename your backup_auto_xxxx .fwl and .db files to Dedicated.fwl and Dedicated.db respectively.
  6. Start your server.

Character Backups

Here’s how to restore your character to an earlier backup, this is useful if you’ve lost a tombstone or would simply like to play a previous version of your character.

  1. Open Valheim.
  2. From the main menu, click Manage Saves.
  3. Select Characters.
  4. Select your character and choose a backup, then click Restore Backup.