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Wreckfest Admin Commands

In this guide, we’ll walk you through all the essential admin commands available on your Wreckfest server. From simple messaging to advanced server management, these commands will help you keep your server running smoothly and ensure everyone has a great time on the track.

To use these commands, press Enter in-game to bring up the chat, then input one or more of the following commands:

/message [new message]Send a message to the chat
/kick [id]Kick a player
/ban [id]Ban a player
/bansteamid [SteamID]Ban a SteamID
/unban [ban index]Lift a ban, use “bans” for ban indices
/unbansteamid [SteamID]Lift a ban by SteamID
/clearbansClear all bans
/balanceteamsBalance teams
/restartServer restart
/botAdd a bot
/op [id]Add moderator privileges
/admin [id]Add admin privileges
/demote [id]Clear admin and moderator privileges
/password [new password]Set password
/servername [new server name]Set name of the server
/welcome [new welcome message]Set the welcome message
/eventloopToggle automatic event rotation if configured