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How To Fix My Game Server Crashing

In this guide we will show you some troubleshooting steps to fix your crashing game server. You should follow these in order. If you’re stuck at any time then reach out to a bro on Discord or via a Support Ticket.

Did You Recently Make A Change?

If you just made a change to your server, then revert that change to check if the issue still exists. Even something simple such as putting an invalid character into a server name can sometimes break things.

Schedule Regular Restarts

If the crash is happening on occasion such as every few days, your server may need regular restarts. You can set these up in the Schedules section of your Game Panel. Sometimes if your game server has been running for a very long time, funky things can start happening such as memory leaks, delayed actions or in the case of modded servers, plugin crashes.

Update Your Server

Check if there was recently an update for the game that you’re hosting. Common places to check if there is an update is in the Game Host Bros Discord or in the game Developers Discord (These are generally easy to find on Google). For the most part all you need to do is to restart your server, however for some games we have specific guides.

Update Your Plugins

If you have a modded server such as Minecraft or CS2 and you just updated, then it’s possible your plugins are out of date. Making sure plugins are updated is a critical part of having a modded game server. You will need to check the plugins you’ve installed and made sure they’re at the latest version.

Contact Support

If you’ve done all the above then reach out to a bro on Discord or via a Support Ticket. We will help you get your server back up and running asap.